Gift Baskets

Thoughtful gifts designed to delight!

Our carefully curated gift baskets will delight recipients for any special occasion or holiday. Treat a friend, family, dinner host, special employee, valued customer … even yourself (!) with a thoughtful, unique present that shows you care!

Each assemblage we create is unique, with pricing from $19 to $100. Tell us your budget, a general theme if any, and let us design something awesome!

Currently Available:
Valentine-themed (with or without candy), Pancake or Waffle Breakfast Basket,   For a Gardener,   Pamper & Relax Basket,   Farm Fresh Mug & Tea,  Warm & Cozy Basket,   For a Guy,   For a Couple,   For a Family,   and More… 

Our winter workshop is based in the Spokane – Coeur d’Alene area. Local pickup only. Delivery available for an extra charge within Liberty Lake, WA or Coeur D’Alene, ID. We regret that we can’t offer shipping this year. (Maybe in 2022!) Call for payment options: Venmo, CashApp, etc. or Cash.

818-640-6733 (text or call) /
406.545.0947 (call)

We have many more options to choose from, at various price levels, from $15 to $100! Please contact us for details.

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